IIS Einstein Nebbia is the result of a merge between a business/administration/tourism technical institute and a vocational hotel & catering school. It is the only secondary high school of this type in the territory of Loreto and surrounding municipalities under the provinces of Ancona and Macerata. With a population of more than 1100 students and about 140 staff (including teaching and non teaching one), the institute offers diverse professional curricula: accounting, business administration, tourism, welcoming, cooking skills, waiting/bar skills, pastry-making, along with adult evening cooking courses, special training courses for young people who failed the regular education path. Students can add extra skills from other curricula: ECDL and B1/2 certifications in English, French, German and Spanish languages. Courses of Italian for foreign students are organised every year to help students coming from abroad to get integrated into the new social and educational life.

The institute has matured a great experience in EU projects (Leonardo, Comenius, Grundtvig, Erasmus+) and has organised work placements as part of the school curricula of the students attending the 3° and 4° grades for many years.
The presence of one of the most important sanctuaries devoted to St. Mary in Italy, other natural attractions and places of cultural and artistic interest have a great impact in the local economic environment, giving life to a lot of infrastructures and facilities created to support tourism. There are several family run SMEs, most of which have business relationships with foreign countries.
Our students have various personalities and different attitudes towards school life:
- clever and motivated pupils, who are willing to learn specific knowledge and competence;
- students who have not yet developed an appropriate degree of motivation to learning;
- pupils from a difficult or disadvantaged family or socio-economic environment, a condition which may also cause behaviour disturbs and school failure or desertion;
- students with special needs, following either the same activities planned for their classmates or individualized paths according to the degree and type of learning problem;
- extra community students who contribute to create a multicultural environment in our institution.
This heterogeneity in the school population and in the professional profiles offered have fostered an equal diversification in the expertise of our teachers, who always do their best to help students find the most suitable way to express their own potentialities and reach satisfactory levels of autonomy, integration and personal fulfilment.